Media Consulting

Unlike auditing – which mostly takes part after the event – media consulting services provide support to clients prior to them making or implementing major decisions involving a media budget.

Media Hub media consulting services ensure the improvement of media ROI. Here are our main activities:

Media Pitch Management


The media pitch is sometimes a highly contentious issue in a client-agency relationship.

Media Hub recommends that before launching into any media pitch the status of the client-agency relationship should be assessed. SMART objectives should then be established as part of the pitch process, together with careful evaluation of the extent to which these objectives can be fulfilled.

At the end of the day, a media pitch is a major PR exercise for a company. Managed in a professional way (clear and complete briefing, transparent process, evaluation criteria clear to all participants in the process), it will increase the reputation of a company in the marketing and communication community.

Media Hub has the expertise, the experience and the highest standards of professionalism needed to manage any media pitch process.

Briefly, a media pitch process should encompass:

  • The establishment of a shortlist of agencies invited to the pitch process.
  • Delivery of an extensive briefing and submission to the participants.
  • Analysis of an agency’s planning and buying offers.
  • Analysis of all agency proposals regarding services and remuneration.
  • Assistance in contract closure with the winning agency.

Benefits to the client:

  • Significant saving of time and resources, allowing more focus on core activities: a media pitch is a complex project which even experienced marketers can become stalled.
  • Selection of a partner agency that suits.

Strategic Media Consultancy


A good media strategy, adapted to a client’s communication needs, makes the difference between success and failure in marketing. Media Hub’s strategic media consultancy services cover various aspects of an advertiser’s media strategy, including:

  • Calibrating the media budget.
  • Selection of media channels.
  • Optimising media budget allocation across media channels and vehicles.
  • Targeted group media consumption analysis.
  • Setting the objectives and guidelines for each type of campaign (launch, maintenance, promotion). 

Benefits to the client:

  • It increases a client’s media planning and buying know-how (using Media Hub’s strategic consultancy services is equivalent to hiring a full-time top media professional).
  • Provision of support in creating a sound and robust media strategy, in line with client objectives.
  • Able to take advantage of Media Hub’s independent and unbiased expertise (Media Hub doesn’t trade media spaces for clients and/or agencies). 

Checking of Media Plans


Pre- and post-campaign checking of media plans is another service provided by Media Hub to its clients. It covers the checking of the following aspects of a media campaign:

  • Accuracy and quality of the planning before a campaign begins.
  • Degree of objectives achievement during campaign airing and, final planned vs. achieved results analysis at the end of the campaign. 

Benefits for the client:

  • Checking/confirmation of the fact that the media investment was properly calibrated and planned BEFORE it was undertaken.
  • Regular campaign checking of planned vs. actual for media KPIs.
  • Prompt realignment of any deviations from the plan.

Agency Remuneration Evaluation


Media Hub provides consultancy in defining and implementing an agency remuneration package specifically adapted to a business’s needs. Agency remuneration has to be fair, and in line with the effort and resources allocated by the agency to handle a client’s media budget.

Media Hub helps clients to quantify these elements and come up with a fair media agency remuneration proposal. At Media Hub, we believe that the way the agency remuneration package is shaped has a significant impact on achieving the highest media ROI and add-value for a client’s brand(s). 

Benefits to the client:

  • It puts in place a remuneration package based on fair principles.
  • The settlement on a remuneration package suited to business needs.
  • Building of a partnership with a media agency based on fairness and trust.
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